Our Favorite Bourbons To Enjoy On National Lazy Day

Our Favorite Bourbons To Enjoy On National Lazy Day

National Lazy Day is on the 10th (who knew??) and we couldn’t be happier. In the midst of a global pandemic and quite an eventful year, we all deserve to spend an entire day where we do absolutely nothing… Well, except drink some awesome bourbon. In the spirit of laziness, we compiled a quick list of our favorite bourbons, all available at CaskCartel.com. Get ready to sit back, pour a glass, and wonder why every day isn’t National Lazy Day. 

Metallica Blackened Whiskey

BLACKENED™ is American whiskey...re-mastered. This premium whiskey is a result of an incredible collaboration from powerhouses Master Distiller Dave Pickerell and Metallica. It is made up of a blend of hand-selected, well-aged bourbons and ryes, all uniquely finished in black brandy casks. As a bonus, each batch of whiskey is blasted with its very own Metallica playlist, selected and arranged by the band themselves. 

This magnificently balanced whiskey, robust in flavor and ideal for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in a classic cocktail, is a perfect way to enjoy some downtime on National Lazy Day. 

American Barrels Bourbon

What better way to celebrate a national day than with American Barrels Bourbon? Its eye-catching bottle is molded after a shotgun shell. The top half is glass embossed with a coiled rattlesnake, evocative of the Gadsden flag designed in 1775 during the American Revolution, and flown by patriots still to this day. Not to mention, the tasting notes are every whiskey fan’s dream. Pour a glass and you will enjoy caramel with hints of vanilla and rye spice, along with an ultra-smooth and a dark cherry finish. 

Kentucky Straight Daviess County Bourbon

We couldn’t leave this bourbon off the list. With a heritage dating back to 1874, Daviess County Distilling Company was one of the first great bourbon distilleries of Kentucky. A unique blend of ryed and wheated mashbills, it’s a masterpiece unmatched in both flavor and heritage. Sit back, relax, and enjoy notes of honey, vanilla, and caramel. It’s long, warm finish with a hint of spice is just the type of comfort we need on National Lazy Day. 

Blood Oath Bourbon

If you're looking for a luxurious relaxation day, opt for Blood Oath Pact 4 Kentucky Straight Bourbon. This limited edition is made from a combination of 12, 10, and 9-year-old bourbon. The resulting blend is finished in extra-toasted American oak barrels to add yet another layer of flavor and create a warming, sweet, and surprisingly easygoing bourbon despite its relatively high proof. On the palate you will experience notes of rich caramel, honey, and spicy oak, followed by smooth vanilla and warm chocolate undertones from the toasted barrels. It’s time to indulge in this sweet and delectable bourbon that makes a great addition to any collection.

Cheers! Hoping that National Lazy Day brings you relaxation and delicious bourbon. Explore Cask Cartel, the no. 1 source for all things liquor, premium spirits, and alcoholic drinkables!

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